Remedy finder is a diagnostic tool for educational purpose that looks up your patients' health conditions or medical signs and find remedy or remedies based on chosen gender, age, risk factors, illness, signs, symptoms and prevalence. The diagnosis tool lists home remedies such as ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine, homeopathic remedies, anthroposophy or anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy and herbal medicine, vitamins and supplements.
About ayurveda


The Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurveda includes methods for both health and health care. The goal is to get the whole person’s body, mind and spirit in balance.

In India there are several traditional systems of health care and spiritual development side by side: unani, siddha, ayurveda, yoga, etc. (For background information see the Indian philosophy and medicine, Part I.)

Ayurvedic medicine

The Ayurvedic medicine is used in Sweden only so far as health care. The system has been introduced by TM movement (transcendental meditation). The Ayurveda appearing here has been revived respectively. further developed by the TM movement's leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded a center for Ayurvedic medicine in Noida, north of New Delhi.
The Ayurvedic medicine emerged in India about 2 500 years BC Ayu is Sanskrit and means life, veda means knowledge. Ayurveda can be described as the science of life.

The Indian Vedic philosophy states that every person has the ability to achieve the knowledge that the inner self is connected with all laws of nature. When people have experienced this, she spontaneously live a life of health and happiness. The road to this personal experience is described, inter alia, of the upa-veda and upanga-scriptures, Ayurveda is one of the four upavedas.
The Ayurvedic medicine and remedies are based on a holistic view of man: she is a single being, where body, mind and spirit form a whole. Man seen in the biological, psychological, social and metaphysical perspective. Everything must be in balance to function properly - it concerns both the internal and external environment. The Ayurvedic medicine and remedies are interested primarily in humans, the disease is secondary. The goal is to restore the balance not only to heal diseases, but also achieve the perfect health. The word health - swastha - means "to be rooted in the self". The Ayurvedic medicine and remedies are focused on disease prevention.

Ayurvedic remedies

The theoretical basis of the Ayurvedic remedies are very broad and complex, and this is only a few basic concepts to be addressed.

In India, Ayurveda is spoken on five basic principles or elements (Pancha-Bhuta) - ether, air, fire, water and earth as manifested in the body as three basic principles, tridosha. In broad terms, are the Ayurvedic remedies concerned with creating a balance between the three dosha: vata, pitta and kapha. These dosha should also include physiological constitutions or body types. Each individual has all three dosha in itself, but one or two of them can dominate; total there are 10 possible body types with different combinations of vata, pitta and kapha. A person's basic constitution called for his Prakriti.

Dosha governs all mental and physical processes in the organism. Listed below are some typical characteristics of the different dosha and what they are associated.

Vata Pitta Kapha
Ether and Fire and Earth and Water elements
air elements of water elements
Dynamics of Heat Strength
Operating Heart Energy
Circulation Metabolic Structure
Respiratory Perception Stabilization
Cooling Intelligence Cooling
Nerve Impulses Speed Slowness
Locomotor Accumulation
Willfully Does the other
documents dosha

According to the Ayurvedic medicine determines the individual constitution of disease susceptibility. Thus, for example, tend a person with a vata constitution to vata diseases. Diseases are classified in particular according to the origin / cause, location and dosha.

In ayurveda the heart occupies a unique position: it is regarded as the seat of a network of channels in the body leading the vital "humours". The heart is also considered the soul's habitation.
Diagnosis in different ways. The patient's constitutional and temporary permits are analyzed with the help of thorough questioning, observation, pulse diagnosis (Nadi Vigyan), palpation, ocular diagnosis, fragrances, etc. One method is called marble and includes: the doctor pressed certain points on the body, a total of 108 pieces, to note any reactions that indicate a disturbance or damage anywhere. According to learn these points conform to Chinese acupuncture points.

The treatment given depends on the nature of the problem:

A. If the mental aspect dominates frequently recommend meditation, Maharishi recommend TM.By awake focus attention, a deep sleep is achieved, which can lead to increased coordination between mind, body and surroundings.

B. If it is the physical aspect that dominates often prescribed diet, cleansing of waste products in the body by, for example, or various herbal enema to stimulate the body's immune system.

C. If the behavior is the dominant aspect is given advice on personal hygiene, daily routines, etc. to promote a ring back to the day, and nature's rhythms.

D. If it is the individual's relationship to their surroundings that dominate Maharishi recommend a specific meditation technique (TM-Siddhi-technology) to influence the 'united fields "that all individuals' consciousness is considered to be part of and forming a collective consciousness (see Meditation , TM).

A therapeutic system of Ayurveda based on the above physiological aspect is Panchakarma, the five documents. Karma here means a separate document to drive off impurities from the body and balance the dosha.

Panchakarma includes, inter alia, Oil massage, steam bath, cathartic and dietary requirements.
A system for dietary supplements called Rasayana. It aims primarily at strengthening the body's immune system.
Ayurveda also includes a series of recommendations for all areas of life, such as in terms of diet, sleep, ethics, etc.